Parampara Builders Pvt. Ltd.
Parampara Builders Pvt. Ltd. is a distinguished and reputable real estate company that has carved a prominent niche for itself in the industry. With a proven track record of excellence and innovation, Parampara Builders has consistently delivered exceptional residential and commercial projects, setting new standards for quality and design.
Our Journey
Founded more than two decades ago in 19 94,the Parampara builders startedin a room of 12 5 sqft by Late Shri KC A garwal has been nurtured & expanded into P arampara Group of companies with morethan 50 successful projects at various locations timely delivered,a manufacturing u nit of Green building materials of more than 1, 00,000 sqft & office space of more than 10,000 sqft to name a few.
The mission, vision & ethics of our founder Late Mr KC Agarwal has been passed to next generation pillars comprising of Ar. Parag Agarwal (M.Arch (CEPT) B. Arch), Er.Anurag Agarwal (M.Tech (IIT Delhi), B.Tech), Rupali Agarwal (B.Tech-Interior design) and Neha Agarwal (MBA).
The above team with experience of 20 years composing of creative architect & designers blended with precision & accuracies of engineers under able management expertise has lead to exponential rise of Parampara Group delivering high quality p roducts matching b uyer’s satisfaction. Now presenting PARAMPARA ELITE, adding a new feather to its crown. This Project is in Association with Land owner Mr.Naveen Jain & Mr.Manish Jain S/o Late Shri P.C.Jain.
Road and Pathways
60 ft.wide road with 30 ft.green verge on both sides.